The 5 best Online Dating Tips

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The 5 best Online Dating Tips

Interesting online dating stats

online-dating-570216__180These days a growing number of people are looking for love online. The Pew Research Center did research in 2013 and found that 59% of Americans think that online dating is a good way to meet people.  This is an increase from  44% eight years ago. The same research found that about 20% of people between the ages of 25 and 34 use online dating in America. 5% of Americans in a marriage or committed relationship were found to have met online. If you are one of the many South Africans who is already on a dating site or are thinking of joining one then these 5 tips from will be of interest to you!

1. Choose good pictures

Bear in mind that you are competing with thousands of other users on the site and it’s mostly the picture that leads an online dating subscriber to click on your profile in order to learn more. While we may not all be supermodels or athletes it is important to choose photos that show you at your best. Ensure that the picture is clear and recent, preferably not older than 6 months. If you use an old picture you may well get more interest but your date will be disappointed when you finally meet – and you will have shown that you are not to be trusted when it comes to romance. Be sure not to wear dark shades or a hat – your potential date will probably guess that you are hiding the dark rings under your eyes from working or partying too hard and are may be balding as well. Avoid taking selfies or pictures of yourself in the bathroom mirror – they often don’t come out well and you are telling your potential mate that you don’t have any friends or family that are willing to photograph you. Also make sure that you are smiling naturally – showing your teeth is not the same as smiling. A true smile shows in the eyes and not just the teeth.

2. Contact people who are looking for someone like you

Online dating is not to be confused with online shopping. While it may appear that you have an endless supply of potential dates to choose from, don’t forget that your potential date has the same choice! So before you send your first message ask yourself the following questions:

  • Read the persons profile and requirements carefully in order to check that you would be a suitable match.
  • You may be great, but are you a great match – have you shown that you have paid attention to what she has written?
  • Do you fit all or most of her requirements and preferences?
  • Do you fit within the required age range? Although you may believe that you can win her over with your charm remember that she has as much choice, if not more, as you and probably won’t even look at a 50 year old if she is looking for someone in their 30’s.
  • Be sure to use of the sites matching feature to take the guess work out of looking for someone who will be looking for someone like you.

3. Don’t tease or be sarcastic

Although your friends might think that you’re hilarious after you’ve all had a few drinks at the pub, don’t presume that a total stranger will be equally impressed. I once asked what the “B” stood for in “Anna B” and was told it stood for bitch. I should have taken her seriously – we met and she was one. Humour is incredibly sexy but make sure you are being humorous in a kind way that will leave her feeling happy and good about herself! And bear in mind what Oscar Wilde said, “Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit”!

4. Ask the right questions

Always read her profile first and then ask her specific questions based on what she has said in the profile. People always like it when someone pays attention to them and love answering questions about things that are important to them. This is a great way to break the ice and to begin building trust. Never ask “What do you like to do for fun” as in most cases the answer to this question will be answered in her profile. Make sure that steer well clear of questions that may be embarrassing – these include questions about previous relationships or marriages, asking about politics and religion or asking why she has never had any kids. Please note though this caution is just recommended in the initial stages of getting to know someone while internet dating. Once you have met and trust has been built you may of course feel easier about asking difficult questions. But even then, be sure to take the lead from your date and potential mate.

5. Don’t be a stalker

Once you have sent a message you should relax and go about your business. Don’t look at her profile a hundred times because this will probably scare her off. And if you notice that she’s online but hasn’t answered you yet, don’t worry about what other men she may be chatting to. Remember you are dealing with a stranger who owes you nothing and it’s her prerogative to not answer your lovingly crafted and sexily brilliant message. Be careful when texting from a mobile app as each time you send she will receive a new email – and to see 10 emails from you when she hasn’t even read one could quite easily give the wrong message. And also please don’t be a stalker after a first date. No matter how well the first date went, there are still no guarantees. If you get the feeling that she may have lost interest just move on. Becoming a pathetic nag you are sure to chase her away even if she was in fact still interested but was busy with other things in her life.

I hope that the above tips help and wish you all the best in your cyber quest for love and romance. Once you have found that special someone be sure to see our fantastic range of 100% natural herbal libido and mood enhancers for both him and her.